Expect Change, Make Changes, . . . Be Changed

While reading through one of my journals, I came across an article on change. I was encouraged to Expect Change, Make Changes, and ultimately Be Changed.

Please note, that I read this after being hospitalized for gallstones, but before the partial finger amputation and pneumonia. Normally I take pride in being independent; however, I had to rely on the kindness of people to help me through this past year of change. I received compassion from doctors, nurses, co-workers, random strangers, family and friends. I’m truly grateful for the acts of kindness I’ve received over the last year.

These acts, coupled with my desire to be the best person I could be, sparked some positive changes in my life.

This year, I endeavor to share some of these experiences along with those of others. Hopefully, they will inspire others to make the changes necessary to be productive citizens of Christ. This reminds me of an old song I heard in church on Sunday.

 “I Want To Be A Follower of Christ”

I want to be a follower of Christ
I want to be one of his disciples
I want to walk in the newness of  life 
So, let me be a follower of Christ

What do I have to do?
What do I have to say?
How do I have to walk, each and every day?
Tell me what does it cost, if I carry the cross?
So, let me be a follower of Christ.

Which brings me to our feature project, the MBK 365 Challenge. This project is two years in the making, and I’m so very excited to launch it on this year. We are asking you to join us in performing random acts of kindness every day for one year.

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, gracious, and considerate.

God exhibited the ultimate act of kindness when He choose to die for all of us.

Kindness chose me; therefore, I choose to be kind.

Please take the time to share an experience where a random act of kindness made your heart smile.

Thank you.


MBK Is About Doing Life Together!

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