The Struggle is For Real, but It’s Worth the Fight! – Kyva Killebrew

The struggle is for real, but it’s worth the fight! There’s a blessing in your sacrifice!

I never considered myself to have a huge testimony like many others until I took a moment to reflect over my life. Here I am 24 years old, young, saved and living for Jesus. I would be lying if I told you it was a smooth sail because it was not. The struggle is for real, but it’s worth the fight.

At the age of 12 on March 21, 2004 I surrendered my life to the Lord and was filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gave utterance. On that same day, I was also baptized. At that point in my life receiving my salvation was just a ticket to heaven. I had to get to know the Lord for myself. I did not know my real purpose until I began to grow older.

I am truly grateful to God for choosing me because without Him I know my life would be different. I had a strong foundation and good examples in my household. From this, I was taught not to be a hypocrite and to serve God wholeheartedly. I never wanted to be a hypocrite because I’ve seen the life of hypocrites. What would it profit me and what glory would it bring to God to live a double life.

At a young age, my desire was to please God. Although, I may have fallen short many times, I never left my first love. Salvation did not and does not keep me exempt from the many temptations that all young people go through. That is where many of us get it twisted. Yes, as young people we are saved, but we still struggle as other youth do. It is ok to admit that, and we must keep it real. The joy is that we have God as our source of help. I am a witness that God is a keeper IF you want to be kept. Don’t take God as a toy and play with Him and your relationship with Him. You can have fun (the right way) and be saved too. Know your purpose! Put God first! I guarantee you he will direct your path.

Without God I would have never been able to make it, It was always Him that was pulling me through. Living for God is the best thing! He leads me, guides me, reminds me that I am His, and He is mine. Ask anyone who truly knows me. I live it up (the right way)! There’s no sad story here. I regret none of the hurt, tears or disappointments I have been through in my life because it made me depend on my God more. Anything I went through God addressed it in my worship allowing me to realize that if I serve Him and put Him first, He would take care of the rest!

I got to know God as a healer when sickness thought it could take over my body. A keeper, when temptations were surrounding me; a way maker, when I did not know how things would fall into place; and a protector over me and my family in many, many different aspects. I’ve gone through moments where I had to say, Lord, I know that was you!

Know your purpose, I cannot stress that enough. I believe we are put here on earth to minister to others in this world. Yes, we minister within our churches, but know there is a need beyond that. There are people in this world that are suffering extremely, and we are to be that light to shine through and draw them so they too can gain strength and know their purpose.

As young people, I encourage you to put your whole heart into serving God! Step out on faith, there’s a blessing in it! Don’t be a backbiter or a hypocrite. We need each other. Help each other get through instead of tearing down each other with words or judgments we cannot take back. Next, forgive! Not being able to forgive hurts you more than anyone.

We represent Christ, and that is what others should see in us. If you’ve fallen and you do not know what to do, GET BACK UP! Don’t care what others think; this is a life and death situation, for real. God wants you! He does not fault you for falling, but he faults you if you stay there in your mess. Let him help you! If you do not know Christ I encourage you try Him, He is more than all right! You are not losing anything but rather gaining. Falling in love with Jesus is the best thing I’ve ever done!

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