Healed from a Brain Tumor – Adryonna Montgomery

At the age of 12, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When I reflect on that time, my first reaction when I heard the news was to ask my doctor “would I lose my hair.” He said yes, but reassured me that it would be hidden because the tumor was towards the back of my head. The decision was made that I would have surgery to have the tumor removed. I could not have imagined how much of an obstacle this would be for me at such a tender young age.

The tumor was so aggressive that it affected my ability to walk, talk, and eat. For several months, I received all my nutrients through a feeding tube placed in my nose. During that period of time my speech was hard to understand, I was extremely weak physically, and I remember coming out of surgery thinking and feeling like my tongue was numb and heavy. After my surgery, I had to focus on regaining my strength and putting my energy into moving forward.

Although the Neurophysiologists “predicted” that I would never be anything above an average student, and that I will never be in mainstream classes; I was able to successfully graduate high school on time, and I did not have to attend below “average” classes. Well, I am 20 years old now, and I recently completed my sophomore year of college at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. I have enjoyed my college experience thus far and I am excited to continue on to greater heights and deeper depths.

I often pause and think to myself, why did God allow me to go through such an experience at such a young age? I am glad to say that I realize that there is something unique about me, Ms. Adryonna Montgomery. God has a purpose and a plan for my life!

I can now stand and say for myself and with total confidence, that I KNOW God to be a healer. This experience has given me a drive and motivation to serve God for myself.

As a young lady growing up in this world there are so many things that can consume my time and attention, but I can declare that God is real and He will not put more on you then you can bear; this makes serving Him well worth it!

Adryonna Montgomery

2 comments to “Healed from a Brain Tumor – Adryonna Montgomery”

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  1. I am always so encouraged by this testimony! Keep serving the Lord!

  2. I love this! I’m amazed every time with God and his wondrous works!

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